Elevator Pitch

I'm passionate about computer science generally, and machine learning and data science specifically.
Being challenged is my hobby because I simply know how to get things done :)
professional development is my number one priority.


Gender and Number Identification Audio System

Used pytorch to train a multi-task Resnet-34 network to identify the gender and the number spoken by the speeker. The system is triggered using the trigger word "on" and then it classifies the gender of the speeker (male or female) as well as the number spoken by the speeker (from 1 to 9).
The trigger word detection part of the system was trained on SpeechCommand Dataset, while the gender and number identification part was trained on Speech MNIST.
source code

Deep Q network for Atari Breakout game

Used TensorFlow and the Q learning algorithm to train a deep Q network that makes an agent learn to play the game Atari Breakput.
source code

Neural Machine Translation with attention

Used keras to implement a neural machine translation model. The model translates from vietnamese to english. I got a BLEU score of 4.17 without an attention layer and a BLEU score of 16.73 when attention was incoaperated into the model. see Image for example of the output. code.

BomberMan AI agent

A hybrid AI agent that uses both rule-based actions and MCTS algorithm to play the game BomberMan using the Pommerman framework (the java implementation of the game).
My player is the green one in the video,notice how it focuses on collecting power ups without dying inorder to get to the end game as the strongest player. When playing against MCTS (the best agent in the Pommerman framework), my player was able to get a 48.2% win rate, 25% draw rate, while losing 26.8%.
source code

Assembly Pong Game

This is a pong game that is developed entirly using assembly language in NASM syntax. The game is booted in an virtual machine without an operating system. This means that the assembly code is responsible of taking input from the users (dealing with keyboard intrrupts) and drawing to the screen (as an output device).
The game supports two player modes in which two players play against each other. The first uses "Q" and "A" to move the pads up and down, while the second uses "arrow up" and "arrow down" to control the pad. (watch first match in the video)
It also supports one player mode in which the player plays against hard coded rules (the second match in the video).
notice how good the PC player is :)
source code

Distributional semantics

The project uses a movie dialogue dataset and tries to classify each sentence in the dialog to the character saying this sentence using semantics similarity.
The developed method was able to classify all characters correctly
source code and report

Movie quieries NER tagger

Trained a CRF model on movie queries that is capable of recognizing 10 different classes with accuracy 63%.
The model's accuracy started with 52% on the validation dataset, after analysing the dataset and extracting various features I was able to get a 68% accuracy on the validation dataset.
source code

Lazy Resturant Game

A simple resturant game developed using unity game engine and C# where the player controlls the waiter to serve the customers. The waiter uses AI search algorithms to find the best route to reach the customers without colliding with obstacles (called navmesh in unity).

Taxi App

A mobile app that provides sustainable transportation means using existing infrastructure. This project aims to increase the availability and affordability of transportation.
Through the app, cutomers can request rides and they will be matched with the closest driver.
source code

University of Bahri Website

A university web app that provides various details about the university of Bahri as well as the ability to access a database of previous research done by university acadamics
source code

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about how to reproduce the projects I've done, or any queries at all, please feel free to contact me.

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    W3 7RJ
    Essex Mews
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